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passwdsecure is a tool that removes the need to hardcode passwords. It can be used to make sure programs which are running with generic permissions can access password protected resources.

passwdsecure reads a configuration file which contains passwords and has restrictions on which processes are allowed to access the password. Using this mechanism you can make sure only the processes you want can access the passwords for resources such as databases or remote hosts.

Currently passwdsecure only runs on Solaris and Linux as a /proc file system is required. It may work on other operating systems with a /proc file system with little modification.

Get the latest release passwdsecure-0.9.tar.gz.

For access to the CVS tree have a look at http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/passwdsecure/.

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For all other information have a look at the Source Forge Page

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